Hommikul vara tuli koristaja ja tänu sellele sai ka varem kargud alla ja minekut teha. Suundusin samas suunas, mis eelmisel hommikul, sest üks aare jäi mugude tõttu leidmata eelmisel päeval.
jälle üks pühakoda
Jõudsin planeeritud kohta ehk olümpiastaadioni lähistele. Ma ei mäleta, et oleks varem käinud olümpiastaadionil. Sissepääsu otsimisega läks palju aega. Üldiselt hakkavad betoonplaatide vahed rohtuma ja asjad lagunema, kuigi sportlikus mõttes on rajatised ikka kasutusel.
Esmalt leidsin Agora lähedusest ühe aarde ja siis vaatasin niisama ringi.
Inspired by the model of the Ancient Greek meeting place, The Agora ia a vaulted, modular structure of light steel, which runs in an arc along the northenrn edge if the Common Doamin, alongside a dual band of water and trees. Enclosing a pedestrian arcade of some 18.600 m2, the Agora provides a pleasantly shady shelter, with fresh air, for the path and facilities within.
Teise aarde korjasin Rahvaste Seina juurest
The Nations Wall is a sculpture made of tubular steel. Designed so that it can move mechanicaly on a wavelike motion, the monumental sculpture is 250m long by 20m height. It is designed so that it could serve as a giant screen for projections.
Kolmas aare on kusagil velotreki juures, aga kogemata kombel seda gepsus polnud, seega järgnevalt otsisin üles metroojaama ja sõitsin mujale.
Üldiselt on Ateena metroo väga ilus ja uus nagu oli kümme aastat tagasigi, puhas ja korras. Metroojaamad on aga enamus väga sarnased. Ühest jaamast leidsin aga huvitava kella.
Sõitsin peaaegu 2 tundi ja jalutasin kokku 3km, et näha mahajäetud lennuvälja/jaama.
Hellinikon International Airport, sometimes spelled Hellinikon was the international airport of Athens, Greece for sixty years up until 2001, when it was replaced by the new Eleftherios Venizelos Airport. The airport had two terminals: the West Terminal for Olympic Airways, and the East Terminal for all other carriers. Before its closure, the airport was serving 12 million passengers per year.
In 28 of March of 2001, 5 aircrafts, with no passengers, of Olympic Airways flew from Hellinikon to Eleftherios Venizelos Airport, marking the closure of the airport.
After its closure the northwest portion of the airport was redeveloped, converting runways into a sports park that housed the 2004 Olympics Games, venues for canoe/kayak slalom, field hockey, baseball, softball and fencing. In our days they are abandoned just like some aircrafts of Olympic Airways.
In 2005, the international team, led by architects David Serero, Elena Fernandez, and landscape architect Philippe Coignet, won the competition to design a metropolitan park on the former site of the Hellinikon Airport over more than 300 teams of architects. But never was implemented this proposal !!! Government plans to attract investors and develop the site commercially were eclipsing the proposed park, though nearby communities remained vocal about their preference for a park.
It took 12 years, 5 months and 22 days in the Greek state, to officially abolish the airport !!!!
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ja ümbruses
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